The following has been written as a guide to anyone attending Scout Camp, whether young or old. It should be considered as a guide and should be adapted to individuals own circumstance and required level of comfort. No doubt people will have their own opinions, but we have built up this list over many years of camping and it works for us.
1 Sleeping
Even in the summer it can become quite cold overnight in the UK. It is therefore essential to be adequately equipped, this even more important when camping in the spring, autumn and especially winter.
The main rule of thumb is that many thin layers are better than one thick layer. It should be noted that just as much body heat can be lost from below through the ground as above through the air.
This is the first layer, it should consist of a complete set of dry clothing that has not been worn during the day. A top (short or long sleeve dependant on season), a pair of jogging bottoms and socks are ideal. Out of the summer months a hat maybe required.
Sleeping Bag
This should be of good quality and at least a “3 Season” bag. If the shop does not know what a 3 season bag is, you are in the wrong shop!!!!

Sleeping Bag liner
These can be cotton, fleece or if money no object!!! Silk.
This performs two functions:
- Provides an additional insulation layer both above and below the body.
- Gives some protection to the sleeping bag against sweat and general wear and tear.

A blanket is always useful, even in the middle of summer, it should be big enough to go both over and under the sleeping bag. It can also be used to sew on badges collected, that do not go on the uniform.

Roll Mat
The main function of a roll mat is to provide an insulating layer between the body and the ground, comfort is a secondary function. For additional comfort a self inflating version is available.

If we are asking parents to drop off at camp, then bringing a pillow is not a problem. However if travelling in a minibus (or going on an Expedition), space is an issue. In this case we ask that just a pillowcase is packed. This can then be filled with clothes to make a pillow. Alternatively an inflating pillow can be purchased:

2 Medicine / Health
All camps and activities are undertaken with Health and Safety in mind and under the rules and guidelines of the Scout Association. However accidents do happen and having accurate information to give to the medical authorities can greatly assist the diagnoses and aftercare of any Scout unfortunate to have an accident or become ill at camp.
- Own medicines
If any Scout is taking their own medicine, then this must be clearly labelled with the following:- Name of Scout.
- Dose.
Medicines MUST be handed in to the leader in charge of medication on arrival at camp.
The leader responsible for medication will ensure that it taken at the correct time and this is recorded.The only exception to this rule, is Scouts that require an asthma inhaler (reliever), in this case, this should be kept on them at all times. However a spare reliever and if necessary preventer pump, MUST be handed in to the leader in charge of medication at start of camp.
- Medical forms
Every camp will have a medical form, please complete this fully and honestly. Should any changes in health occur between completing the form and arrival at camp, please inform the leader in charge. - Over the counter medicines
Unlike in the workplace, we are able to give over the counter drugs to Scouts with the parents’ permission. We therefore ask you to complete a permission form before camp. This form lists various types of medicine and allows you to specify what you wish us to give to your child. Please ensure that you complete this form, as without it we cannot give any medicines to your child.
3 Clothing
Clothing is obviously very important, but hopefully common sense will dictate what is packed. Please pack expecting the worse, but without overburdening your child with weight. We all know and love the British weather!!! So you will appreciate how things can change suddenly, so please pack for hot, cold, dry and wet weather.
Nylon is NOT a good material to have at camp. At many camps Scouts will be cooking their own meals, possibly over an open fire. If nylon comes in to contact with a naked flame, it melts and sticks to the skin. Many Scouts like to bring track suit / jogging bottoms to camp, please ensure these are not nylon.
Although these are not nylon and are a very good alternative to joggers for many Scouts, they take a while to dry if they get wet. Ideally jeans should be avoided.
A better choice are activity trousers:
Walking boots are a good choice for camp, they offer protection and are waterproof. They are often available on special offer in many stores out of season. An alternative to walking boots in wet weather are wellingtons, however these should not be worn for long periods as they become uncomfortable.In the summer, trainers, sandals and other lighter footwear can be worn, but please remember that some activities specify specific footwear.
Eg. Heavy boots or leather footwear is required for using axes.

Kit list
A kit list specific to the type of camp being attended will be provided, this is intended as a guide and should be supplemented according to the needs of each Scout.
4 Miscellaneous
Torches should have spare batteries.
(This rechargeable one will last a whole weekend and more).

Plastic bags
These are useful for dirty clothes and wet clothes, please pack a few.
Name tags
Please use name tags or write your child’s name in all clothing, we always have trouble identifying clothing, especially as Scouts share sleeping quarters.